About this blog!

Welcome to this blog, we call it, Electrical & Electronics!
This blog is being written to help the electronics lovers. This is not written with core purpose to make the students literate about different areas of electronics rather it is outcome of an ambition to write something which I have in my mind due to background in electronics engineering and my experience in this field as an instructor and teacher. Therefore, this blog is for all those who are linked with electronics even as a beginner, hobbyist and/ or expert to learn without the tension to be asked about what they have read. Being a student, I feel the necessity of help from experts and I would like to welcome all the experts and hobbyists to write the informative note after each blog post so that corrections can be made in case of any mistake or even for the improvements in the current topics.
In this first introductory post about blog, it is also needed to mention the desired roadmap so that regular reader of the blog should have an idea in the mind about what will be the following topics. As first step, one the most important branches of basic electronics, Digital Logic Design (DLD), will be written topic wise. This course is taught in all the universities those are awarding graduation degrees in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering and other related fields with somehow slightly different or exaclty same title. Similarly the course contents may also vary instructor to instructor and university to university depending the changing outcome (goals and targets). After successful completion of necessary and important DLD course topics, other branches will also be covered.
At the moment, it is not possible to completely elaborate the course outline completely but for the sake of information and to give the reader a picture of possible topics, very brief possible contents are given here. It is not the final topic wise outline, it can be updated with the passage of time as we go through. Regular and serious readers of this blog are highly encouraged to ask for any specific topic to be written. Starting from introductory concepts of DLD including number systems and their conversions, intermediate and high level topics will also be written. These will include introduction and working of logic gates, boolean algebra, combinational logic circuits and their applications like adders, subtractors, comparators, decoders, encoders, multiplexers and demultipelexers, Counters, Flip-Flops, Shift registers, memory storage and in the end interfacing. To ensure the best quality literature on this blog, comprehensive, detailed and well elaborated examples will also be given related to every topic.
In the end, I wish you a very happy and productive time while you read this series of DLD notes for the time being. Off course we'll be adding more topics and discussing about other fields of electronics in coming months!

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